Biologia Molecular e Bioinformatica | Pr�mios | Sala de Imprensa | Publicidade | Fale conosco | English version |
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Identity and Similarity

Ident and Sim accepts a group of aligned sequences (in FASTA or GDE format) and calculates the identity and similarity of each sequence pair. Identity and similarity values are often used to assess whether or not two sequences share a common ancestor or function.

Paste the aligned sequences in FASTA or GDE format into the text area below. Input limit is 20000 characters.

Enter the groups of similar amino acids separated by commas to be used for the similarity calculation. If you are comparing DNA sequences, leave this text area empty.

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Bioinformatics Tools is powered by Sequence Manipulation Suite version 2. See the about the Sequence Manipulation Suite page for more information about individual Sequence Manipulation Suite programs.
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